Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Please go to: www.deviantart.com/karinadreamer

Hey there!

There are still so many people here watching my blog on a regular basis. Why??? But thank you, that is cool, too.
I have told you that this blog is ending.
But maybe these visitors are some new ones.

So I just want to tell you all again.
I am not giving up taking feet pictures. I am still there for you, but not on this blog anymore.

But nothing has changed. I am on my DeviantArt page: https://www.deviantart.com/karinadreamer
So feel free to comment and contact me there.

I am still there for you! Many thanks to you all!

Check out: https://www.deviantart.com/karinadreamer

Some of my new pictures and there are more:

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Thank you to all that supported me on this blog. Sorry, that it is gone now. But you will find me on: 
Thank you that you like feet!



  1. contains wonderful and helpful posts. Interesting comparison
    Take My Course

  2. Hi Karina! I took a break from the internet but I'm back and sad to see that you are ending your blog. I wonder, would you be willing to take a final request? There are a lot of photosets that I hoped you would do but never got to see.

  3. I'm glad I found your DeviantArt page.
